The comprehensive mobile applications cater to providing on tips functionalities for ULBs as well as citizens to manage below listed but not limited to key scenarios:
For Citizen
- Easy access to identify your area within city by sharing your location
- Register to track the assigned waste pick up vehicle and its schedule in order to manage self-routine without any hitches
- Tracking schedules of waste pick up vehicles by subscribing to live location feed and knowing if the vehicle is approaching / delayed or have passed by routes
- Ability for citizens to provide feedback & grievances and also manage their support tickets
For ULBs
- Real time resource tracking
- Easy to access citizen feedback and grievance redressal
- Access to executive summary to track and maintain high performances of resources such as vehicles / employees / fuel allocation.
- Robust control over alerts raised
- Ability to broadcast messages within required circles
- Ability to track visits to key places identified by the city such as GTS / landfills / fuel station of not only vehicles but of employees as well
These applications are designed to support bi-lingual Interface (Hindi/English) and are available on all major mobile platforms including Android and iOS to cater all genre of users.